Message-Id: <> Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 18:39:00 +0900 From: Kenji Masaki Subject: Re^2:`stat' fails to detect nonexistent To: djgpp-workers AT delorie DOT com Hello. ||We have discovered that doing a `stat' of a nonexistent file always ||returns 0 under WinNT (in full screen mode), when it should of course ||return -1. This is taking place on a normal FAT volume. | | I use WinNT 3.51 on NTFS , and gets same result. It seems that | WinNT dose not support undocumented DOS call int 21h ax=6000h . Sorry It's my misunderstanding. I get ture cause. In WIN-NT3.51 (FAT and NTFS) following code always success. __findfirst("anyfile", &ff_blk, FA_LABEL) ff_blk.ff_ftime and ff_blk.ff_fsize = 0 ff_blk.ff_ftime==FA_LABEL even if set the right file name. So following code of stat.c always success. else if (!_is_remote_drive(drv_no) && !__findfirst(path, &ff_blk, FA_LABEL)) I think it's a bug of WIN-NT Kenji Masaki