Xref: news2.mv.net comp.os.msdos.djgpp:4849 From: fmarcos AT jet DOT es (Fernando Marcos) Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp Subject: Re: Bug in CWSDPMI? Date: Tue, 11 Jun 1996 07:06:49 GMT Organization: Servicio IBERNET (Telefonica Transmision de Datos) Lines: 38 Message-ID: <4pj63i$jpd@artemis.ibernet.es> References: <31B8842C DOT 7FC4AC98 AT post DOT rwth-aachen DOT de> <31b8dd94 DOT sandmann AT clio DOT rice DOT edu> <31BACDAB DOT 6BB31400 AT post DOT rwth-aachen DOT de> NNTP-Posting-Host: minfo193.jet.es To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp Harald Mommer wrote: >Charles Sandmann wrote: >> >> > I run any DJGPP compiled program with only HIMEM.SYS loaded, all seems to run >> > normal, but if I try to start Windows 3.1 after running the DJGPP compiled >> > program, the Windows logo will appear and then Windows will fall back to >> > the DOS prompt. After 3-12 trys it will really start and run without >The BIOS is an AWARD v4.50PG, the processor a Pentium 100, 32MB RAM >installed. With DOS, there are more than 25 MB free. The CWSDPMI is V0.90+ >from 4th february 1996. >The HIMEM.SYS is the one which came with Windows 3.1. I tried another >Microsoft HIMEM.SYS, the same problem. With Novell DOS HIMEM.SYS there was >no problem using DJGPP V2.0, but there seem to be other problems with this >driver and other programs, I'm not sure yet. Harald: I had the same problem a couple of months ago (perhaps some of you remember it...) The ONE AND ONLY way to solve it was placing EMM386 NOEMS in the CONFIG.SYS file. I had exactly the same problems as you. By the way, I used it on something like 9 machines (each one with a different chipset, BIOS, ram, etc) and I got exactly the same results. I was not as patient as you, and I didn't try to restart Windows so many times. Neither does bothering with HIMEM.SYS. Both (DOS / WINDOWS) perform the same. Another problem was that my computer hanged after 8-14 compilations (more exactly, linkings). Changing to EMM386 solved ALL my problems. Hope this helps. Greets! Fernando